Productivity Report: The Mara Dyer trilogy

The Mara Dyer trilogy is a fantastic YA series by Michelle Hodkin. This trilogy includes: The Unbecoming of Mara DyerThe Evolution of Mara Dyer, and The Retribution of Mara Dyer. Usually, I can predict what is going to happen in most books, especially those of YA genres. But I was genuinely surprised by many of the plot points throughout this entire series. Which is definitely a good thing.

So most of the main characters in this trilogy really know how to get things done. They have to deal with mental illness and hallucinations and mistrust, and they still take care of themselves relatively well. But I think the title of the most productive character goes to Daniel Dyer, Mara’s older brother. He is the perfect student, the perfect  son, the perfect brother, and he plays instruments. Granted, his main goal during much of the story is to get into college. And he does not have to deal with aforementioned mental illness and unknown powers, but he takes care of those who do. One could argue that Noah Shaw has to deal with those problems and still has a perfect GPA and reads libraries of books and plays an instrument. But he has an unfair advantage because of his perfect memory.

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