6 Books for Non-reader Friends

Today is day 7 of 12 Days of Book Lists! If you, or one of your friends, doesn’t read, I would recommend for you to pick up these books. You won’t regret it.

6. Outcasts United by Warren St. John
Outcasts United is a great tale of a real life story about a refugee town in Georgia that gets transformed by a soccer coach. It’s a fairly quick read, and it’s pretty easy to get through. It is also pretty relatable, but at the same time eye-opening.

5. The Giver by Lois Lowry
The Giver is the classic dystopian novel. Most people have to read it for school at some point, which causes them to naturally be skeptical of its entertainment value. But it is also a book that most people I know love, regardless of whether they are avid readers. It is also a really short books and is part of a quintet, in case you are craving a more satisfying conclusion. But it is perfectly acceptable to read it independently, if the thought of reading four books causes aversion.

4. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
The Power of Habit is a productivity/psychology/business book that is very insightful regarding how much of human life is based off of habits. It is also a good book for those who never finish the books they start because all you really need to read is Part One (chapters 1 through 5). The rest of it is anecdotes and research, which can honestly get a little boring.

3. The Tattoo Coloring Book by Chronicle Books
Who doesn’t love a coloring book? This is a great book for those who will not read at all, even if the book is a gift. Coloring is something that does not require a lot of attention and can be done while watching TV or something. Reading is not requires, so stubborn friends can still claim the title of “non-reader”.

2. Everything is Going to be OK by Chronicle Books
This book is a picture book of sorts. Each page contains various pictures with uplifting quotes. This is a great coffee table book, and also allows the maintenance of the “non-reader” status.

1. Why You’re So Awesome by Knock Knock
This book is a great gift. It is a fill in book in which the gifter write things about why the gift receiver is so awesome. Everyone I know would be touched to receive this, even if they don’t care for books.

Which books would you recommend for non-reader friends?

11 Literary Gifts

Today is Day 2 of 12 Days of Book Lists. I now present 11 Literary Themed Gifts. (I sincerely apologize for the graphic. I know it sucks.)

11 days of book lists

1. Finger Pointer Bookmark

For those who can never remember where they are.

2. Harry Potter Necklace
For those who still aren’t over Harry Potter.

3. Prism Glasses
For those who are incredibly lazy.

4. Percy Jackson pencils
For those who want to write like a daughter of Athena.

5. Personal Library Kit 
For those who lend.

6. Writer’s Block book
For those who want to write the next bestseller.

7. Old Books scented candle
For those who want to smell like a library.

8. So Many Books! So Little Time! Bookends
For those who have too many books to read in a lifetime.

9. Fishbowl bookends
For those who need more life in their reading.

10. Talk Wordy To Me tote
For those who need some help carrying home their books.

11. Literary Quotations Calendar
For those who lose track of the date because they get lost in the world of a good book.

What literary gifts would you like to receive?

Gift Guide: The Geek

We all know and love, or are, the geeks in our lives. Here are some gifts you can give them to show them how much you appreciate their geekiness.Gift Guide- The Geek

1. Lab Beaker Mug: $9.99
2. Choose Wisely iPad case: $45.00
3. Doctor Who mini journal set: $24.99
4. Darth Vader and Son: $8.89
5. Ferrofluid magnetic display: $23.99
6. Gryffindor House Pen: $18
7. Game of Thrones Letter Opener: $24.99
8. Star Wars Moleskines: $18.95
9. Origami Sticky Notes: $4.99