4 Holiday Movies

There are only a couple more days of 12 Days of Book Lists left! Today’s list includes movies. I don’t actually celebrate any holidays during holiday season, so I don’t actively watch very many holiday movies. So these movies are those that I remember watching multiple times of childhood winter breaks.

4. The Santa Clause
The Santa Clause is a fun movie I guess. It has its funny and heart-warming moments. The last movie was kinda weird though, but that’s just me.

3. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Dr. Seuss stories have a special place in my heart. And the corresponding movies do a surprisingly well job at evoking the outlandishness of his books. How the Grinch Stole Christmas seems to be the one that has most effectively stood the test of time.

2. Home Alone 2
I really love the first couple Home Alone movies, as most people do. But the second one was definitely my favorite. I especially love the whole plotting/scheming process.

1. Elf
I have never met anyone who does not enjoy Elf.

What are your favorite holiday movies?

12 Days of Book Lists

My friend Sydney from Books and Stuff has started a tag for the holiday season called 12 days of book lists. I thought it was a great idea, and I am going to partake in it. I know it’s not strictly productivity-related, but having enough time to read is a consequence of being productive. Also, reading can help increase productivity in many different ways. Regardless, I am going to try my hardest to somehow relate each day’s post to productivity.

from sydneybollinger.wordpress.com
from sydneybollinger.wordpress.com

Click here for the original post.

I tag all of you. Mwahahaha!